Monday, August 29, 2011

I am an abusive blog owner

And I am working on that but right now I am extremely busy and I don't have anything too excited to say.

I'll try posting something in the future!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Clown/Drag Queen and Other Selfs

Sooooo, there comes a time in my life every summer or break I get hella bored, so what do I do... well, just see for your self..

I did this today, I was going for a circus type look but instead ended up looking like a rave girl/clown/drag queen. Not so bad if I say so myself.

Other looks I have done during my boring tirades are:

Alien go-go dancer

Fancy Widow/mistress

Gothy pig tails

Another clown.

Dark makeup.

Swirly makeup.

Pin-up hair.

I don't even know....

SO yeah, that's pretty much my life at the moment, I've done more but I can't find the pictures.
